RUNNING IN THE HAMSTER’S WHEEL by Fabio Liberti is a tragic-comic dance piece inspired by our tragic comic political situation.
We create everything that we complain about. We are the system that we don’t like. We are the change that we don’t see.
RUNNING IN THE HAMSTER’S WHEEL analyzes historical changes and the traditional and simplistic division between good and bad. It challenges this concept in a piece that confuses all roles and makes it impossible to distinguish one from the other, questioning the very nature of humans.
RUNNING IN THE HAMSTER’S WHEEL by Fabio Liberti is part of the production FREIE RADIKALE. A production that wants to question how we want to position ourselves in regard to the increasing violence in our society(physical, verbal or virtual violence) and the brutalization of dealing with one another. How free do we feel as a “radical” and how “free” are we really?
Commissioned and produced by Landesbühnen Sachsen
PREMIERE DATE: 5 April 2019
PERFORMERS: 11 dancers
LENGTH: 41 min.
SET and COSUME DESIGN Annett Hunger
Photo: Sylvio Dittrich