a co-production with MaudsArt , Dansehallerne and Dansstationen
In What did I just do? performer Maud Karlsson Lima de Faria recovers her six decades of life in a detailed stream of memories, starting from her grandparents owning a pom poms factory in the 60s, to arrive at what will be the present moment in 2023. A journey in time and space, which mixes events in an overwhelming chaos of images and speed, exposing the inextricable relationship time-memory-identity-society.
To what extent do memories become part of our identity? Are we aware of their impact on our present actions? Is there such a thing as the present moment? The sentences you just read are already part of your past. Your immediate past, which still lingers in the air as if it was present, but your past nonetheless.
“It is not the past as such that governs us, except perhaps in a biological sense. It is the images of the past, often highly structured and selected as myths. Images of the past are imprinted, almost like genetic information, on our sensitivity. “
(G. Steiner)
Concept and choreography: Fabio Liberti
Performer: Maud Karlsson Lima de Faria
Dramaturge: Sara Živkovič Kranjc
Builder: Fredrik Borg
Light designer: David Nicolás Abad
Photo and video: Morten Arnfred
Producer: Carlos Calvo
Research supported by Bora Bora Residency Centre (DK), Théâtre Sévelin 36 (CH), Centro per la Scena Contemporanea (IT), Zavod Flota (SI), Riksteatern-production residency (SE), Swedish Arts Grant Committee (SE), Konstnärsnämnden (SE), Uppsala Kommun (SE), Statens Kunstfond (DK)
Production supported by Statens Kundstfond, Augustinus Fonden and Fondet for Dansk-Svensk Samarbejde
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